Decide the Future of the Internet: Tell Congress to Stop CISA
TODO ?>Fight for the Future, in partnership with Restore The Fourth, released a “political scoreboard” last week, which rates U.S. politicians based upon their stance on Internet privacy. This scoreboard is organized by state, and shows who is on “Team Internet” versus “Team Surveillance.” The scoreboard highlights the alarming number of politicians fighting for measures that violate online privacy and security – including those in support of CISA.
As outlined in a Personal Liberty article, the scoreboard reveals the following:
“Of the 535 members of Congress profiled on website:
- Just 24 senators had “A” records when it comes to protecting digital privacy
- 34 senators, meanwhile, received “F’s” for their attempts to pass spy legislation
- 40 percent of members of the GOP-controlled House received an “A”
- Just 10 representatives were given an “F” in privacy protection”
View the scoreboard now: www.decidethefuture.org
This scoreboard is another element in the campaign to Stop CISA, and to “protect human rights on the Internet”. As previously highlighted, CISA is the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act – a surveillance bill that must be stopped. It picked up momentum recently as tech companies signed a letter that seemed to support its goals, and is set to be voted upon soon. It’s imperative we fight back against this piece of legislation and Stop CISA.
Tell Congress to Stop CISA now: www.decidethefuture.org