In the News
TODO ?>Here at Golden Frog, we’re gearing up to celebrate one of our favorite days – Data Privacy Day!
Sponsored by StaySafeOnline.org and led by the National Cyber Security Alliance, Data Privacy Day is held every year on January 28th to spread awareness about data privacy and security. Data Privacy Day also pays tribute to the 1981 signing of Convention 108, which was the first legally binding international treaty created to protect and regulate the collection and processing of personal data crossing international borders. To participate in Data Privacy Day you can learn more and download a variety of resources from the Stay Safe Online website. You can also implement the following safety tips in your everyday life:
Tips for Staying Safe Online
- Own Your Online Presence: Remember that any information you relinquish on the web can last a lifetime, and what you share is susceptible to be altered. In the same vein, it’s important to remain aware of what you post about others by applying the old adage “post about others the way you would like them to post about you.” You should always take control by configuring the privacy and security settings on your devices to determine who can see what you share online.
- Value Your Personal Information: From banking to dating, the amount of personal information shared on the Internet is ever-growing. To protect yourself and your valuable information, you can begin by reading about the importance of selecting privacy providers you can trust. When creating an account, use two-factor or authentication tools for stronger password protection and use various passwords for different accounts. Make sure the “remember me” function used to store your login information is not enabled, and periodically delete your cookies and browsing history.
- Browse with Caution: Always be cautious when you’re browsing, making transactions online, or downloading an app. Make sure the webpage address of all sites you visit begins with “https.” The “s” stands for secure, and indicates that communication with the webpage is encrypted. Before you download an app, be sure to read the privacy policy to learn the data they’ll need from you and then decide whether to proceed. Lastly, never store your banking details or personal information on any device, online or through an app unless it’s encrypted and password protected.
- Use a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the best protection you can use when connected online. A VPN encrypts your Internet connection and protects your browsing activity, personal communications and data from any hackers or third-party snoops. As an added benefit, a VPN can also improve the speed of your Internet connection!
Golden Frog’s Efforts to Protect Internet Privacy
Over the past year, Golden Frog continued fighting for online privacy. Here’s a look at some of our many efforts:
- Talking Privacy in D.C. – As advocates for privacy, we travelled to DC this year and met with trade groups and congressional leaders to discuss our thoughts and priorities.
- SXSW Privacy Panel – We hosted a panel during last year’s SXSW event educating the public about the myths of online privacy. We’re excited to be back at SXSW this year with more information on data privacy – look out for details in weeks to come!
- ISP Privacy Protections – At the start of the year, we kept a close watch on the FCC as they debated whether to block privacy rules for ISPs. The rules would have required consumers to give explicit opt-in consent prior to their provider collecting and sharing personal data obtained from browsing online. Unfortunately, the FCC shot down the rules, leaving every citizen’s online data vulnerable and threatening privacy.
- FISA 702 – We joined coalition groups and spoke out against continuation of the FISA 702 amendments, which were renewed law earlier this month allowing warrantless surveillance of citizens. Despite the upsetting result, we continue to fight surveillance and warrantless collection of personal information and data in the US and around the world.
Learn More & Get Involved
Our company was founded in response to government surveillance in the US, so we are strong supporters of Data Privacy Day (we’re official Champions again this year!) and any effort to protect personal privacy. We strongly believe in advocating for what we believe in, including Internet and data privacy. Learn more about how you can join the fight and get involved:
- Join the conversation online with the hashtag #PrivacyAware
- Stay up-to-date with our policy efforts advocating for Internet privacy and security
- Learn why online privacy is a right and try VyprVPN!