您为什么要删除您的 Twitter账户?

How To Delete Your Twitter Account Permanently
Once you have followed these steps for how to delete your Twitter account, your account will no longer exist and people cannot search for you on Twitter or access your profile any longer. Note: Account deactivation is not available on mobile devices and must be done through the twitter.com website. Also, all tweets that were previously indexed by Google or Bing may still be available through those search engines. Follow our easy 5-step guide on how to delete your Twitter account.
- Sign in to your Twitter account. Remember, you will need to sign in through the twitter.com website.
- Click on your profile picture at the top right corner, and then go down to Settings.
- In the Account Settings, scroll down to the bottom and click on Deactivate My Account.
- Read through account deactivation information. After reading the information provided, click the Deactivate @Username button.
- You will then be prompted to enter your account password before your account can be permanently deleted.
That’s it. That’s how you delete your Twitter account. After the last step, your account will be permanently gone.
- 您发布到社交媒体的信息是公开可见的,因此,在发布之前请考虑。
- 即使您管理您的隐私设置,Twitter仍然会收集用户数据,因此,仍然存在隐私问题。
- 了解您的社交媒体应用如何连接到其他应用,因为数据共享可能交互发生在不同的程序中。
- 使用一个VPN: VPN会加密您的互联网连接,以便在发送消息或个人通信时保护您的隐私和安全。
- 在您分享之前考虑: 在社交媒体上分享的信息是公开可见的,所以记住,它对大量的人是可见的。
- 阅读隐私政策: 一定要了解社交网络的隐私政策,并相应地调整您的设置,并了解您的数据如何收集、使用或销售。
- 调整您的隐私设置: 在应用程序中设定隐私权设定,以控制您的信息分享方式和隐藏权限。
来源: TechBoomers